The following Snacks are approved:
Whey / Protein
The following Whey / Proteins are approved:
Ice Creams
The following Ice Creams are approved. However, many brands may have flavours which are not halaal. Therefore, be careful of the following ingredients: Gelatin Carmine Alcohol Vanilla Extract Dairy Queen
The following Yogurts are permissible. However, for each brand there may be flavours with non-permissible ingredients. Please be careful about the following ingredients: Gelatin Carmine Vanilla Extract Dannon Yoplait La
Please note these companies may add varieties of their cheeses from time to time. Please read the ingredients and ensure there is no alcohol, carmine and gelatine in your choice.
Processed Meats
The following are the processed meats presently approved: Please note:Great Foods and Saara processed meat products are NOT approved halaal under the DUHCTT. There are no brands of Vienna Sausages